ART TOY GAMA Collective...
An Exhibition of Contemporary Art...
Between the days 22-29 November, coinciding with the celebration of the International Puppet Festival in the city of Tolosa (Spain), “Titirijai 2014”, ART TOY GAMA Collective have organized in GKO Gallery –Tolosa-, an ART TOY exhibition entitled "The truth of Pinocchio. A different way of storytelling" and will participate artists from Japan, USA, Italy, France, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Canada, Indonesia and Spain
Designer toys from USA by LEE SIERRA
This Art Work presented here
and that will be part of the Exhibition is available for presale NOW!
You can secure your piece before the show by emailing us at
About my
my Pinocchio is inspired by both the Disney story as
well as the original story.
While he looks like the
Disney character we all love and is in denial most times,
he has a dark side
that he hides behind his adorable smile.
He is a murderer....his victim...
His resentful side has
made him a danger to the trees in the woods
and anyone or anything getting in
He has constructed
his clothing out of trees and if not brought to justice,
the trees will
one day be GONE FOREVER.
The Veils: "Advise for Young mothers to be"