"The story of the Three Bears" ... "La Historia de los Tres Ositos" ...
Mageritdoll + Zuby McField
Spanish RESIN ART TOYS... Designer toys. Spain.
Not all stories are for children ... based on the tale "The Three Bears" we create this piece composed by two Art Toys: Mageritdoll and Zuby McField (custom toy)
In a world of "bickering" maybe we should remember those stories that were teaching us to respect the privacy of others, to not judge without understanding.
Mageritdoll: la Personalidad de un Juguete de Diseño (Art Toy)
de Resina único, español y de Pequeña Alta Costura.
Alto: 6 centímetros. Tall: 6 centimeters. 2.5 inches
Juguete de Diseño de Resina. Resin Toy
Juguete de Autor único.
One of a kind Toy.
Handmade Toy.
Design Toy
Juguete de Diseño de Resina. Resin Toy
Juguete de Autor único.
One of a kind Toy.
Handmade Toy.
Design Toy