Los Art Toys o Juguetes de
Autor son piezas de arte, diseño, decoración y coleccionismo de alcance global.
Son lienzos de artistas de diferentes países y culturas que reflejan su forma
de mirar el mundo, de interpretarlo, de relacionarse, de transformarlo. Los Art
Toys son creaciones contemporáneas con aura de “juguete” descontextualizado. Un
arte travieso y tridimensional: para mirar, “jugar” y decorar; que puede
abrirse a cualquier espacio, mezclarse y crear un fino contraste con cualquier
tipo de objetos u obras de arte, mobiliario o enseres, dando lugar a espacios
provocativos. Dando un toque diferente en cualquier ambiente. Creando espacios
Aquí hablamos de esto. De arte
y decoración. Y si te acercas al Museo del Topic (desde Octubre a Marzo 2018)
te podrás adentrar aún más en este todavía poco conocido Universo de los Art
Art Toy arte mugimendua
Art Toy barneratzen
#ArtToyGama #GKoGallery
Art Toy edo Egile Jostailuak
mundu mailako artelan, diseinu, dekorazio edota bilduma zaletasuneko piezak
dira. Herrialde eta kultura ezberdinetako artisten mihiseak dira, non mundua
ikusteko, interpretatzeko, harremanak sortzeko edota eraldatzeko modua islatzen
duten. Art Toy piezak “jostailu” oinarria eduki eta testuingurutik ateratako
sorkuntza garaikideak dira. Arte bihurria
eta hiru dimentsiokoa: ikusi, “jolastu” edota dekoratzeko. Espazio orotara
zabaldu daitezke, nahastu eta objektu zein artelan ezberdinekin, altzari eta
tresnekin... kontraste ezberdinak eratu eta espazio probokatzaileak sortu.
Edozein girori ukitu ezberdina ematen diete, gune biziak sortuz.
Horretaz hitz egingo dugu
hemen. Arteaz eta dekorazioaz. Eta urritik 2018ko martxora bitartera Topic
museora gerturatzen bazara, oraindik ezezaguna den Art Toy fenomenoaren
unibertsoan murgiltzeko aukera izango duzu.
The Artistic Movement of the Art Toys.
Interiorizing Art Toys
The Art Toys are pieces of
art, design, decoration and collecting of global reach. They are a kind of
canvas used by artists from different countries and cultures that reflect their
way of looking at the world; as well as a way of interpreting, relating and
transforming it. Because Art Toys are contemporary creations with a
decontextualized "toy" aura. A playful, willful and three-dimensional
art: to watch, "to play with" and decorate and be part of the
interior. An Art that can be part of any kind of space, mix with other objects
and create a fine contrast with any type of objects or works of art, furniture
or appliances, giving rise to provocative spaces. Giving a different touch in
any environment. Creating places with life.
Here we talk about this. Of
art and decoration. And if you approach the Topic Museum (from October to March
2018) you will be able to enter even more in this still little known Universe
of the Art Toys.
"Many artists throughout the twentieth century have used the toys in his paintings, photographs and sculptures, fascinated by this world, and even as ”a field of experimentation”… however it is now when the toy becomes an artistic means of expressing per se . When the decontextualized “toy” has become art"
The Art Toys are pieces of
art, design, decoration and collecting of global reach. They are a kind of
canvas used by artists from different countries and cultures that reflect their
way of looking at the world; as well as a way of interpreting, relating and
transforming it. Because Art Toys are contemporary creations with a
decontextualized "toy" aura. A playful, willful and three-dimensional
art: to watch, "to play with" and decorate and be part of the
interior. An Art that can be part of any kind of space, mix with other objects
and create a fine contrast with any type of objects or works of art, furniture
or appliances, giving rise to provocative spaces. Giving a different touch in
any environment. Creating places with life.
Here we talk about this. Of
art and decoration. And if you approach the Topic Museum (from October to March
2018) you will be able to enter even more in this still little known Universe
of the Art Toys.
These creatures
are the result of magical experiments ...
a selected species that has gone over
time presenting more
and more humanoid characteristics until they came to real
It is said that
certain varieties of mandrakes, cultivated by ancient secret techniques known
by a small number of herbalist magicians, can develop mobility and the ability
to speak.
They are believed to be
pets of these magicians,
rarely seen released, only when they escape from a